
Change is challenge.

In reading a bit about change and exploring information from groups that ranged from addressing global health and food crises to corporate restructuring, I found a common theme that I believe is relevant to all of us especially during this time: sharing resources.

It demands that we acknowledge, first and foremost, that we don’t have all the answers to the problems and challenges that change represents. Not organizationally. Not personally. In the spirit of sharing resources, here are a few that might help many of you during this time. Don’t be afraid to reach out – you never know what you might find.  

I’ll mention a conversation I had with a parent who called to ask about finding scholarships for her son. He was a rising high school student, and she was exploring ways to “afford” the school they both wanted him to attend. After our conversation, she reached out to the admissions department of the school and was put in touch with scholarship resources they offered for several of his interests and attributes. In addition, they shared a timeline with her that gave her son the best chance for receiving the maximum amount of financial aid available to them through the school. She planned to make applications to several scholarships and, in addition, learned from one site (listed below) of a scholarship her son would be eligible for because of a college course he planned to take in high school.

Some Resources We Found

Here are a few of the resources to learn more about the challenges you may be facing.

Humongous High School Scholarships lists 11 different resources of mostly college scholarships, however a few of these apply to high school funding.

Baltimore City Social Services – this umbrella organization offers a huge slate of resources and their website is easy to navigate.

Baltimore City Health Department – everything health – from substance use disorder (SUD) to COVID information and mental health resources.

Technology – PCs for People, technology for individuals and nonprofits, can help connect you with free or affordable technology resources – so important during this time of COVID.

Food Pantries – this shows you the closest location to your home or work in and around Baltimore.

Childcare, Daycare, and Pre-School

The Family Tree offers resources for finding childcare and offers free short-term care for children aged 2 – 12.

Find out about Maryland childcare scholarships here.

The Y of Central Maryland – several Baltimore City locations and childcare for essential workers.

We hope this list is helpful and can help you with the challenges change presents.