Give for generations to come by investing in education today!
CSFB is a 501(c) (3) organization supported by a wonderful community of committed donors, who are passionate about education. We currently provide over $500,000 in scholarships annually, funded by individuals and foundations around Baltimore City, including all of our Trustees. We would love the opportunity to include new faces in our community – the more we can raise, the more children we can support.
Each year CSFB is able to help hundreds of children afford a safe, quality education. However, each year there are hundreds of children we must turn away. The only thing holding these children back is lack of funding.
There are several ways to donate:
Donate online here.
Send us a check.
P.O. Box 5282 | Baltimore, MD 21224
Wire or Stock Transfer.
Call us at 410-243-2510
for details.
Please be sure to include your contact information with your donation so that we can provide a receipt for you, and let you know the impact your gift has made for our families! 100% of your donation is tax deductible and goes directly to helping these children get the education they deserve. If you are interested in discussing a bequest or other planned gift, or would like to visit a school, please contact us for further details.
THANK YOU for taking the initiative and investing in Baltimore City students!
CSFB helps to level the playing field for low-income kids who want to become productive citizens – it fills a vital education need.
2022 – 2023 Donors
CSFB would like to thank our donors for helping give our kids a chance. We are grateful for every donation we receive from individuals, organizations, and businesses. If your name is missing, please contact us at
$50,000 – $100,000
Children’s Scholarship Fund
Clayton Baker Trust
Davis Family Foundation, The
$20,000 – $49,000
Allegis Group Foundation
Baltimore Next Generation Investing Event
Charles Crane Family Foundation, The
Lockhart Vaughan Foundation Inc.
Stephen & Renee Bisciotti Foundation
Thomas Wilson Sanitarium for Children
$10,000 – $19,999
Aegon Transamerica Foundation
Bunting Family Foundation,The
CFG Bank
Denit, Helen P.
Huether-McClelland, Foundation, Inc.,The
Johns Hopkins Neighborhood Fund,The
Powell, David and Kate
Rozmaryn, Elizabeth
Rowe Price Associates Foundation
TKF Fund
Venable, LLP
$5,000 – $9,999
Abell Foundation, The
Bilson, Barry F.
Bowman, Kara
Corcoran Jr., Rick
Hardiman, Katherine
Lawrence, Robb and Meg
M&T Charitable Foundation, The
Matthew & Christina Wyskiel Family Charitable Gift Fund, The
Newhall, Ashton and Becky
Roche, George A.
Wells Fargo
Woloson, Brad and Crickett
$2,000 – $4,999
Athey, James and Gillian
Bradley BEEM Fund
Ellin & Tucker
Golfers’ Charitable Foundation
Heather K. and Clifford Athey Fund, The
Iodice, Blair
Jake and Jennifer Martin Fund
Kent Family Foundation
Kraska, Jay
Otterbein-Calia Giving Account
Powell, John and Susan
Puglia, Larry and Sandy
Schauble, Paula
Sheldon and Carol Glusman Foundation
Stephen and Judith Haines Account at Schwab Charitable
Verbic, Dan and Krissie
Virginia T. Campbell Charitable Gift Fund, The
Kyle and Paula H. Gore Charitable Fund, The
$500 – $1,999
Ann & Frank Cahouet Foundation, The
Baetjer, Howard
Baetjer Jenkins, Anne
Bacigalupo, Tracy
Baum Foundation
Bennett, Sean and Constance
Berrier Family Fund
Cavanaugh, John F. and Cynthia L.
Collins, Carville and Mary Lou
Congregation Shomrei Mishmeres Hakodesh
Corcoran Sr., Rick and Karen
Egger, John
Georgette Kiser Fund, The
Jim and Jane Webster Fund
Kent Family Foundation
Klein, Colleen
Kovacs, Ernie and Donna
Liebmann Fund
Measell, Ira D.
Mickle, Anne R.
Obrecht, Wells
Preston G. and Nancy M. Athey Fund, The, in honor of Lawrence, Margaret A.
Schaefer Family Gift Fund
Schwartz, Carl and Debra
Smith, Ralph
Stewart B. Eckers Charitable Trust, The
Webb, Kwame
Williams, Stephen
Yehuda and Anne Neuberger Philanthropic Fund
$100 – $499
Adams, Jennifer
Baum, Matthew and Deborah
Benevity Fund
Blaszkiewicz, Bob and June
Brandt Family Fund at BCF, in honor of Kate Powell
Bushel, Alexander and Mary
Calderon, Gabriela
Case, Patricia
Cavanaugh, John and Cynthia
Colston, John
Austin Baetjer, Susan
Davis, Michael and Mary, in honor of Austin Baetjer, Susan
Delaplaine and Wilson Fund, in honor of Powell, Kate
Ellenbogen, Henry and Lindsay
Fleming, Bruce
Franklin, Henry and Debbie
Grays, Valerie
Guckert Carter, Renee
Heacock, Scott and Deborah
Hentz, Gary
Holley, Tim
Landsman, Stacy
Lawrence, Janice
Maggie and Bruce Kennedy Fund, The
Massing, Elizabeth |
Pierce, Ann and Skerjl, Renato
Prugh, John M.
Richard and Jennifer Keetley Charitable Trust
Schnupp, Kevin
Summers, Christopher and Lori
UK Online Giving Foundation, The
Wade, Jim and Rock, Alisa
Wealcatch, Samuel and Esther
Ziffer, Larry
Adkins, Michelle
Amazon Smiles
Baird, Wendy
Carter, Dinna
Chiaramonte III, Anthony and Delia
Classen, Taylor and Kerri
Green, Daniel
Jensen, Erica
Kayoumi, Karen
Middleton, David
Network for Good
Patagonia Inc.
Rady Holcomb, Missy
Story, Andrew
Wilder, Jennifer