For Schools
CSFB supports students at approximately 50 Baltimore schools each year.
Our schools do a tremendous job representing the wide range of cultures and beliefs that make Baltimore City the wonderfully diverse community it is. Check out our School Finder to see the schools where we currently support families.
CSFB schools are selected by the parents. We believe parents are the best judge in what educational environment is the best for their children. However, to ensure that CSFB scholarships are being utilized in the way they were conceived, we require the following:
- Must be registered as a Private School with the State of Maryland
- Must support students in a safe, healthy and nurturing environment
- CSFB staff must be allowed to visit the school, meet the school administrators, and the children enrolled in the school receiving CSFB assistance
- School personnel must agree to assist CSFB in keeping accurate records of school statistics and CSFB student data and records
Partner schools verify each student’s attendance three times per school year, and provide additional information including enrollment data and tuition amounts on an annual basis. Scholarship checks are distributed three times per year.