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We’re proud of the Baltimore youth who are using this summer to hone some valuable skills. Whether it’s learning to code, exploring an aptitude for problem solving or learning critical thinking skills, Baltimore is bursting with innovative summer camps and programs for all ages.

Engineering Innovation at Johns Hopkins

At Johns Hopkins University (JHU), students in the Engineering Innovation program are given the chance to explore ideas and problem solve using simple tools, a practice that exposes students to foundational skills needed to for a career in engineering.

“They’ve heard of engineering, but in high school they know almost nothing,”
Retired JHU professor Michael Karweit

Kareweit designed the program’s curriculum to give promising high schoolers with an interest in engineering the chance to become familiar with real life applications.

On the last day of camp, students participate in the “Spaghetti Bridge” competition where they work in teams to create a weight bearing bridge out of nothing but spaghetti and epoxy. This exercise in problem solving and teamwork allows students to gain skills that will carry over into the real-world.

Thanks to JHU sponsors, limited need-based financial assistance is available for partial and full scholarships.

Coding Camp for Minority Boys at Morgan State

Paid for by Verizon, the Minority Male Makers Program is a free, four-week coding camp at Morgan State University. Like the Engineering Innovation program at JHU, students participating in the Minority Male Makers Program are exposed to hands-on activities that they may not have had access to throughout their elementary, middle or high school experience. By gaining insight into what a career as a programmer might look like, this program can give students a vision for their future.

In addition to the program being beneficial for minority boys, it’s equally rewarding for the Morgan State students who not only assist in teaching the boys, they are also able to mentor them.

“I relate a lot to these kids…there’s no limits for them, and that’s what I want to share with them.” – Mentor, Chris Gaines, 26

This program is helping to close the STEM gap for minority students in Baltimore. Our only question is, where is the program for minority girls, specifically? Hopefully it’s not far off. In the meantime, keep your eyes open for similar programs, possibly through Girl Develop It Baltimore?

UMBC + HowGirlsCode + Yoga = Mind, Body and Coding

Although not specifically for minority girls, one similar program that is geared toward females is Mind, Body and Coding, a program held at UMBC in Baltimore County. The HowGirlsCode affiliate program is a summer camp which aims to introduce young girls to the STEM space early on. Within the program, girls in grades 3-6 learn programming through robotics and yoga.

Baltimore’s Hire One Youth Program

One of the most exciting, valuable and life-changing summer programs in Baltimore is the Hire One Youth program. Employing nearly 600 young people this summer alone, the Hire One Youth program connects young people between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one with five week work experiences. Gaining this hands-on experience within a field of interest allows baltimore youth an opportunity that may not have arisen otherwise.

These programs are allowing Baltimore Youth the chance to gain important skills and experiences that will be carried with them throughout their lives and future careers. If your child is participating in one of these programs we would love to hear about their experience! Please contact us.