
Supporting What Matters

The website Kindful tells us that:

“Giving Tuesday, often described as a global day of giving or a global generosity movement, is held each year on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving. Since this first annual day of giving in 2012, nonprofits in the United States have raised more than $1.9 billion.”

WOW.  I remember the first Giving Tuesday in 2012.  Kind of a “thing” that year. And now there is a non-profit that manages this worldwide event!

The reason I love Giving Tuesday is that it provides a counter-balance to the “holidays” – shopping, partying, excess, often a difficult time for those less fortunate.

Children’s Scholarship Fund Baltimore serves those less fortunate, at least financially. So my challenge to you this year is to be introspective and talk with your families about the value of education in your life. What did it cost? Did it pay off? Where would you be without it?  And finally, what is it worth?  

This year on Giving Tuesday and throughout the year, I hope you and your family have conversations about your philanthropy and give a gift that is meaningful for you.

Some ideas I’ll be floating around our Thanksgiving table (YES, WE WILL HAVE A BIGGER ONE THIS YEAR) include:

  •        Making or increasing a monthly contribution
  •        Looking at the Guidestar profile of the non-profit you want to support to make sure how they spend funds is in alignment with your values
  •        Choosing organizations that have a measurable impact with the work that they do

Please join me on Giving Tuesday and support what matters to you.

Beth Harbinson, Executive Director