
Last year, Children’s Scholarship Fund Baltimore participated in #GivingTuesday and thanks to you, we raised $4,042.32 — enough to give a scholarship to TWO students from low-income families living in Baltimore City!

This year, CSFB’s #GivingTuesday goal is $6,000, and with your help, we can continue to have a direct and immediate impact on the lives of the low-income Baltimore families we serve.

With a 97% high school graduation rate and 84% of our students going on to college, donating to our tuition-assistance program is a fantastic return on a modest ($2,000 per student per year) investment. There are currently over 400 families are on our waiting list to receive support. We need YOUR help to meet this demand.

This holiday season, give to an organization that will directly impact your local community. Click below to be part of our movement and receive a reminder to give on #GivingTuesday, November 27th.

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