
Success With CSFB
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Independent Study Shows High Graduation Rates of CSFB Scholars

The numbers are in! We are excited to have received data from an Independent study that will be published next month that reports on high school graduation rates and college attendance rates of CSFB alumni.

The study, conducted by Dr. Alex Schuh with funding from The Friedman Foundation, looked at “students who received scholarships from the Children’s Scholarship Fund Baltimore (CSFB) for at least two years and up to 9 years.”

The researchers found that “high school graduation rates of the group were very high, but consistent with the other Children’s Scholarship Fund programs that have been studied around the nation.”

“Through a combination of survey and school data, the author was able to verify that … 97% of CSFB Alumni eligible for graduation by the summer of 2013 had in fact graduated.”

CSFB Scholars Have High College Attendance Rates

In addition to high graduation rates, college attendance rates were also high. “In the CSFB Alumni Survey, we found that the CSFB scholarship recipients were enrolled in college at a higher rate than either the Baltimore City Public School (BCPS) 9th graders or the BCPS high school graduates who were tracked in the BERC and CSOS studies, respectively.

The study also found that 84% of CSFB Alumni were enrolled in some type of college 5 to 10 years after completing 8th grade.” By awarding need based scholarships to low income families, CSFB helps guide the trajectory of children in Baltimore City. Help us give even more. Donate Today!

Embargoed Preliminary Draft: Please do not cite without permission.