
Why Follow CSFB?


CSFB Has Gone Social!
We want to connect with you wherever you hang out most. To make sure you don’t miss any of our updates, follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and Instagram! We’ll keep you up-to-date on issues in education and information about CSFB events. We’ll also be highlighting our current scholars and their families, as well as alumni!

We Need Your Help!
Support CSFB by helping us grow our audience and reach on social media. Follow us and join in the conversation by commenting on, liking, and sharing our updates! Even though you may receive information from our newsletter, it’s important to follow us and share our updates so that we extend our reach to those in your network – friends, co-workers and contacts.

YOU Can Help Change Lives
By being our social media advocate, through commenting on and sharing our updates, CSFB will have a larger reach and the potential for more funding, which will in turn, grow the rate at which we can award scholarships. When you like, comment on, or share our updates, your friends and contacts are able to view them as well. Through your action, we gain brand awareness and it enlarges our audience. Think of every interaction you have with CSFB on social media as a contribution to our cause.

One of the most influential ways to help CSFB is sharing the updates from our LinkedIn page to your personal contacts. LinkedIn is where most of our target audience is most active. If you like, comment on, or share our updates on LinkedIn, your connections who are interested in our organization are exposed to our posts and will have the opportunity to learn more about our cause.

Even Pinterest?
Yes, even Pinterest. It may not be clear why following, liking, and sharing our pins could possibly help our organization but, Pinterest can aid in generating traffic to our site. Each pin allows for a link back to our website and a description that we can fill with relevant keywords. Each pin is an opportunity to draw our target audience to our site through interesting, relevant content.

The Need is NOW
Since November, over 150 new families have added their names to our waiting list.  That means that over 400 families are waiting for our lottery this Spring to see if they can attend the school of their choice.  The need is great. The need is NOW. Please help us serve as many students in the coming school year as we can – the only thing holding us back is a lack of funds.

Tell Someone
Let your friends and contacts know about our organization’s mission and encourage them to join our online community. Be our brand ambassador and spread the word about what CSFB is doing in Baltimore City. Thank You!