As schools around Baltimore City recently celebrated the 100th day of school, it is hard to believe that we are already halfway through the school year. Likewise, CSFB reached the midpoint of our fundraising season. Our 25th year of awarding K-8 scholarships to Baltimore’s underserved communities has been historical. This year, we raised the individual scholarship cap from $2,000 to $2,500. As an organization, we recognized that our families struggled in today’s economy and we wanted to offer them additional support. Reflecting on the first half of the year, CSFB is excited to say that our efforts continue to significantly impact the lives of Baltimore’s young scholars.
We have awarded 275 individual scholarships, including 28 new scholars and 16 siblings of scholars. CSFB has disbursed more than $305,000 to 40 independent schools in the city this school year. Our donors, much like our community, are diverse and unique. Corporations, big and small, local businesses, generous and game-changing foundations, and individuals make up the many faces of CSFB donors.
We couldn’t succeed without our generous donors who continue to support our mission of providing the opportunity for families to choose the best education for their children regardless of income or zip code. Our school choice mission is simple, but our goals remain huge.
At this year’s midpoint, we are fortunate to have raised nearly half of our fundraising goal! We want to thank all those who have so generously given to CSFB so far this year. Please know that your donation is making a difference and providing an opportunity that otherwise may not be available.
And, because there is great need, and still a goal for us to reach, we welcome additional donations. Won’t you help us spread the word? Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram to hear about the successes of our amazing scholars!
—Erica Jensen
Executive Director
Children’s Scholarship Fund Baltimore